Covey College of Allied Health Professions Honors Ceremony – Spring 2023
Posted on March 30, 2023 by CAHP

On Tuesday, March 21, the Pat Capps Covey College of Allied Health Professions held
its annual honors ceremony recognizing students, faculty and alumni for their hard
work and commitment to allied health professions. The awards presented include the
Covey College of Allied Health Professions Hall of Fame alumni award, the Excellence
in Teaching faculty award, the Excellence in Service faculty award and the Administrative
Support staff award. Current students and faculty also have the opportunity to be
inducted into the Alpha Eta Society, a national honor society for allied health students.

Dr. Christopher Watts
Covey College of Allied Health Professions Hall of Fame
Dr. Elizabeth Adams, chair and associate professor in the Department of Speech Pathology
and Audiology, presented this year’s Covey College of Allied Health Professions Hall
of Fame Award to Dr. Christopher Watts ’94, ‘98. Individuals are nominated for this
honor because of their outstanding contributions to their field. Watts completed a
bachelor’s degree in speech and hearing sciences and a Ph.D. in communication science
and disorders at the University of South Alabama.
Watts currently serves as the Dean of the Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences
at Texas Christian University. He has served in multiple leadership roles at TCU and
also held faculty positions at the University of Central Florida, James Madison University
and the University of South Alabama. He has nearly 70 peer-reviewed research and scholarly
publications and over 130 professional presentations.
The Watts family established the Watts and Marsh Family Scholarship in 2014. The scholarship
provides financial assistance to full-time undergraduate students studying in the
Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology.

Erin Lunn
Excellence in Teaching
The Excellence in Teaching Award is presented to a faculty member who ensures that
students receive an excellent foundation in science and practice of their profession.
Dr. Susan Gordon-Hickey, dean of the Covey College of Allied Health Professions, presented
the 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award to Erin Lunn, assistant professor and director
of clinical education in the Department of Physician Assistant Studies. She has developed
and led several interprofessional education events and continues to make adjustments
and improvements to her courses.
Based on student feedback, she has innovated clinical education through active learning
activities that occur immediately after each rotation. She is often described as a
student advocate, a leader and an excellent team member.

Dr. Nancy Rice
Excellence in Service
The Excellence in Service Award is centered around a faculty member’s commitment to
the institution, community and to allied health professions. The 2023 Excellence in
Service Award recipient is Dr. Nancy Rice, chair and professor in the Department of
Biomedical Sciences. She has been a leader through significant innovations in the
department and has led meaningful strategic planning sessions and retreats. She has
expanded the department’s undergraduate curriculum into three tracks and helped develop
a master’s level program. She is considered a leader with vision as she fosters shared
governance and supports the diverse interests and goals of faculty.

Angela Smith
Excellence in Administrative Support
The Excellence in Administrative Support Award is presented each year to an outstanding
member of the college’s administrative staff. The 2023 Excellence in Administrative
Support Award recipient is Angela Smith, secretary in the Department of Physical Therapy.
She serves an important role in supporting the development of students and celebrating
their achievements, and she is always willing to volunteer to support activities and
events. She started her career at USA Health in 1989 and moved to main campus in 1994.
Since then, she’s worked in a variety of roles across campus.
She is known to go the extra mile to make sure students and faculty have everything
they need and can troubleshoot potential problems that are presented to her. She is
key to supporting the work of the department.
Alpha Eta Society
71 students studying programs in the Covey College of Allied Health Professions were
inducted into the Alpha Eta Society, a national honor society for allied health students,
along with two faculty members from the Department of Physician Assistant Studies,
Bret Largue and Bonnie Minton.
Biomedical Sciences
Mark Eggers
Marie Foret
Noel Godang
Makenna Howell
Heather Inman
Josephine Jalkh
Raj Mehta
Lydia Motamed
Ivy Nguyen
Isha Patel
Hridhay Sheth
Aaron Wilson
Emergency Medical Services
Eran Basilico
Geoffrey Caruso
Clay Cockrell
Professional Health Sciences
Thao Do
Bradley Edwards
Katelyn Johnson
Madison Lowe
Ellie McCully
Erin Mixon
Miguel Negron
Lien Nguyen
Trystin Nguyen
Teshawna Sanders
Ashleigh Taylor
Diamond Turner
Occupational Therapy
Mary Beggs
Anna Lafiore
Zachary Musacchia
Isabella Payne
Riley Polomsky
Cecelia Prentiss
Madison Welch
Physician Assistant Studies
Kellie Agalsoff
Emma Davis
Laurel Emerson
Alysabeth Holmes
Erin Pinkston
Anastasia Rogers
Matthew Rump
Caitlin Schafer
Adam Stephens
Shellie Strickland
Jasmine Wratten
Physical Therapy
Andrew Blake
Bailey Daughtry
Madeleine Gill
Melissa Knight
Cynthia McInnis
Zoe McVay
Samantha Stokes
Radiologic Sciences
Madison Caylor
Macee Dunagan
Anna Erwin
Riley Foster
Nicole Frechette
Keiland Lowe
Michael Osmer
William Thornton
Speech Pathology and Audiology
Hatie Keyser (SHS)
Reagan Merrick (SHS)
Macy Smith (SHS)
Nathan Valentine (SHS)
Gracie Byrd (MSSLP)
Amy Oliver (MSSLP)
Goodwin Rhodes (MSSLP)
Sarah Thompson (MSSLP)
Madeline Jardine (AUD)
Sydney Lee (AUD)
Taylor Paige (PhD)
Bret Largue, PA-C (PAS)
Bonnie Minton, PA-C (PAS)