Title/Link | Email Address | Categories | Index |
Abend, Robert Assistant Professor of Music and Associate Director of Bands |
robertabend@yibangyi.net | Music | A |
Abeynanda, Gayan Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
gsabeynanda@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | A |
Adams, James R. Senior Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics – Developmental Studies |
adams@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | A |
Ahlich, Erica Assistant Professor of Psychology |
eahlich@yibangyi.net | Psychology | A |
Albins, Mark Research Assistant Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
markalbins@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | A |
Albright, Jordan Assistant Professor Psychology |
jalbright@yibangyi.net | Psychology | A |
Alemu, Jahson Research Assistant Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
jalemu@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | A |
Allison, David Associate Professor of Earth Sciences |
dallison@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | A |
Allred, Sarah Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
sarahallred@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | A |
Amare, Nicole Professor of English |
namare@yibangyi.net | English | A |
Arras, Jennifer Instructor of English |
jarras@yibangyi.net | English | A |
Atutey, Olivia Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
oatutey@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | A |
Baker, Ronald Associate Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
ronaldbaker@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | B |
Baker, Samuel Associate Professor of Philosophy |
samuelbaker@yibangyi.net | Philosophy | B |
Barnett, Carson Instructor of English |
carsonbarnett@yibangyi.net | English | B |
Beason, Larry Professor of English |
lbeason@yibangyi.net | English | B |
Beebe, Donald A. Professor of Earth Sciences |
dbeebe@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | B |
Bethel, Samuel Assistant Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work |
srbethel@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | B |
Bindele, Huybrechts Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
hbindele@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | B |
Bohnet, Andra Professor of Music |
abohnet@yibangyi.net | Music | B |
Bovenizer, George Assistant Professor of Communication |
gbovenizer@yibangyi.net | Communication | B |
Bunch, Jaclyn A. Associate Professor of Political Science/Criminal Justice |
jbunch@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | B |
Burns, Kara K. Associate Professor and Chair of Art and Art History |
kkburns@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | B |
Bush, Nadia Senior Instructor of Communication |
nbush@yibangyi.net | Communication | B |
Byrne, Maria Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
abyrne@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | B |
Cage, Claire Professor of History and Director of Gender Studies |
ccage@yibangyi.net | History, Gender Studies | C |
Carmada, Samantha Instructor of Earth Sciences |
scamarda@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | C |
Carmichael, Ruth Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
rcarmichael@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | C |
Carr, Philip Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, Director of the Center for Archaeological Studies |
pcarr@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work, Archaeological Studies | C |
Cesarini, Joseph P. Associate Professor of English |
pcesarini@yibangyi.net | English | C |
Chilukuri, Sridevi Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics |
schilukuri@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | C |
Choi, Jung Hwa Associate Professor of Communication |
jchoi@yibangyi.net | Communication | C |
Christopher, Jennie Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology |
jchristopher@yibangyi.net | Psychology | C |
Clements, Josie W. Instructor of Chemistry |
jclements@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | C |
Clontz, Steven Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
sclontz@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | C |
Cochran, Melanie Senior Instructor of Physics |
melaniebrady@yibangyi.net | Physics | C |
Colarusso, Mark A. Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
mcolarusso@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | C |
Coleman, Robert L. Associate Professor of English – Assistant Dean |
rcoleman@yibangyi.net | English | C |
Cowley, Christopher Senior Instructor of English |
cmcowley@yibangyi.net | English | C |
Coym, Jason W. Associate Professor and Chair of Chemistry |
jwcoym@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | C |
Currier, Joseph Professor of Psychology |
jcurrier@yibangyi.net | Psychology | C |
Dahal, Arjun Associate Professor of Physics |
adahal@yibangyi.net | Physics | D |
Dail, Heather Wilkins Senior Instructor of English |
hdail@yibangyi.net | English | D |
Dasinger, Jacob Senior Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics |
jdasinger@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | D |
Davis, James H., Jr. Professor of Chemistry |
jdavis@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | D |
Davis, Zachary Instructor of English |
zdavis@yibangyi.net | English | D |
de Oliveira, Gabriel Assistant Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
deoliveira@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | D |
Delaney-Tucker, Cynthia Leigh Senior Instructor of Biology |
leighdelaney@yibangyi.net | Biology | D |
Durant, David Professor of Music |
ddurant@yibangyi.net | Music | D |
Dzwonkowski, Brian Associate Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
bdzwonkowski@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | D |
Farmer, Sonna Senior Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics |
sfarmer@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | F |
Faust, Robert E. Senior Instructor of History |
rfaust@yibangyi.net | History | F |
Fernando, Sayakkarage Ranelka Assistant Professor of Instruction, Chemistry |
srfernando@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | F |
Fitzsimmons, Susan Professor of Art and Art History |
sgfitzsimmons@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | F |
Forbes, David C. Professor of Chemistry |
dforbes@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | F |
Foster, Joshua D. Professor of Psychology |
foster@yibangyi.net | Psychology | F |
Fox, Dalten Assistant Professor of Political Science/Criminal Justice |
daltenfox@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | F |
Frank, Martin Associate Professor of Physics |
mfrank@yibangyi.net | Physics | F |
Franklin, Kip E. Associate Professor of Music |
kipfranklin@yibangyi.net | Music | F |
Frost, Laura Assistant Professor of Biology |
lafrost@yibangyi.net | Biology | F |
Frye, Doris Senior Instructor of English |
dfrye@yibangyi.net | English | F |
Furno, Joanna Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
jfurno@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | F |
Gapud, Albert A. Associate Professor of Physics |
gapud@yibangyi.net | Physics | G |
Gibbs, C. Diane Professor of Art and Art History |
dgibbs@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | G |
Gibson, Dylan Instructor of English |
dylangibson@yibangyi.net | English | G |
Godang, Romulus Professor of Physics |
godang@yibangyi.net | Physics | G |
Grace, Kevin Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
kevingrace@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | G |
Gregoricka, Lesley A. Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work |
lgregoricka@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | G |
Guzy, Annmarie Associate Professor of English |
aguzy@yibangyi.net | English | G |
Haas, Laurie F. |
lhaas@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | |
Halbrooks, John Associate Professor of English |
jvhalbrooks@yibangyi.net | English | H |
Hamil, Tray Senior Instructor of Biology |
thamil@yibangyi.net | Biology | H |
Han, Jianing Professor of Physics |
jhan@yibangyi.net | Physics | H |
Hanks, Roma S. Professor and Chair of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work |
rhanks@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | H |
Hanks, Tyler Instructor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
tmhanks@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | H |
Harrington, Ellen Professor and Chair of English |
eharrington@yibangyi.net | English | H |
Heavner, Tracy L. Professor of Music |
theavner@yibangyi.net | Music | H |
Henning, Jeremiah Assistant Professor of Biology with joint appointment in SSoMES |
henning@yibangyi.net | Biology, Marine and Environmental Sciences | H |
Hill, Benjamin D. Professor of Psychology |
bdhill@yibangyi.net | Psychology | H |
Hill, John Assistant Professor of Art and Art History |
johnthill@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | H |
Hillman, Timothy A. Associate Professor of Philosophy |
hillman@yibangyi.net | Philosophy | H |
Hillyer, Richard L. Professor of English |
rhillyer@yibangyi.net | English | H |
Hoffmann, Alma Associate Professor of Art and Art History |
ahoffmann@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | H |
Holcombe, Chase Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
holcombe@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | H |
Holm, Robert Professor of Music |
rholm@yibangyi.net | Music | H |
Hotard, Abbey Assistant Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
ahotard@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | H |
Howell, Jacquelyn Instructor of Biology |
jackiehowell@yibangyi.net | Biology | H |
Hudson, C. Kenneth Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work |
ckhudson@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | H |
Humphreys, Caleb Instructor of English |
chumphreys@yibangyi.net | English | H |
Isen, Joshua, D. Associate Professor of Psychology |
isen@yibangyi.net | Psychology | I |
Itza, Erin Instructor of Biology |
eitza@yibangyi.net | Biology | I |
Jackson, Kern Associate Professor of English |
kemjacks@yibangyi.net | English | J |
Jahnke, Karl Associate Professor of Art and Art History |
kjahnke@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | J |
Jenkins, Charles Merrill Professor of Physics |
mjenkins@yibangyi.net | Physics | J |
Johnson, Caleb Assistant Professor of English |
calebjohnson@yibangyi.net | English | J |
Johnson, Christina Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance |
christinajohnson@yibangyi.net | Theatre and Dance | J |
Johnson, Matthew Professor of Art and Art History |
mattjohnson@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | J |
Kelley, Nancy J. Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work and Director of BSW Program |
nkelley@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | K |
Khair, Humaira Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics |
humairakhair@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | K |
Khan, Zoya Associate Professor and Chair of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
zkhan@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | K |
Kimball, Sytske Professor and Chair of Earth Sciences |
skimball@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | K |
Koury, Katherine Senior Instructor of Communication |
kkoury@yibangyi.net | Communication | K |
Kozelsky, Mara Professor of History |
mkozelsky@yibangyi.net | History | K |
Krause, Jeffrey Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
krause@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | K |
Krebs, Chase Instructor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
ckrebs@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | K |
Lang, Maura Senior Instructor of English |
mlang@yibangyi.net | English | L |
Lanicci, John Professor of Earth Sciences |
lanicci@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | L |
Lehrter, John C. Professor and Associate Director of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
jlehrter@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | L |
Leonard, Marie Instructor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work |
mleonard@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | L |
Lewis, Jacobie Instructor of English |
jlewis@yibangyi.net | English | L |
Liebertz, Scott S. Associate Professor of Political Science/Criminal Justice |
sliebertz@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | L |
Lindeman, Christina K. Associate Professor of Art and Art History |
clindeman@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | L |
Lindsey, Dakota R. Assistant Professor of Psychology |
drlindsey@yibangyi.net | Psychology | L |
Linzmeier, Benjamin Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences |
blinzmeier@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | L |
Lioi, Joshua Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
jlioi@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | L |
Liu, Zhilong Research Assistant Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
zhilongliu@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | L |
Lombardo, Timothy Associate Professor of History |
tlombardo@yibangyi.net | History | L |
Loomis, Eric Associate Professor of Philosophy, Associate Dean |
ejloomis@yibangyi.net | Philosophy | L |
Lyn, Heidi Professor and Joan H. Sinnott Chair of Psychology |
hlyn@yibangyi.net | Psychology | L |
Maddox, Clayton Jr. Assistant Professor of Music and Assistant Director of Bands |
claytonmaddox@yibangyi.net | Music | M |
Major, Kelly Professor and Interim Chair of Biology |
kmajor@yibangyi.net | Biology | M |
Martin, Charles W. Assistant Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
cwmartin@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | M |
Mata, Juan Associate Professor of Biology |
jmata@yibangyi.net | Biology | M |
McCready, Susan Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
smccread@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | M |
McDonald, Terri Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics |
tlmcdonald@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | M |
McKiven, Henry M., Jr. Associate Professor of History |
hmckiven@yibangyi.net | History | M |
McLaughlin, Becky R. Professor of English |
bmclaugh@yibangyi.net | English | M |
McLeod, Jordan T. Instructor of Earth Sciences |
jtmcleod@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | M |
Meeker, Katherine Assistant Professor Political Science/Criminal Justice |
kameeker@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | M |
Meeker, Kevin M. Professor and Chair of Philosophy |
kmeeker@yibangyi.net | Philosophy | M |
Meola, David A. Associate Professor of History |
dameola@yibangyi.net | History | M |
Messenger, David Professor and Chair of History |
davidamessenger@yibangyi.net | History | M |
Mestrige, Shashika Petta Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
shashikamestrige@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | M |
Miller, Harrison Professor of History |
hsmiller@yibangyi.net | History | M |
Miller, Molly Assistant Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
mollymiller@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | M |
Moore, Laura Associate Professor and Chair of Music |
lauramoore@yibangyi.net | Music | M |
Mudrock, Jeffrey Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
mudrock@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | M |
Muia, Mathias Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
mnmuia@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | M |
Mujica, Frances Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences |
fcmujica@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | M |
Mulekar, Madhuri Professor and Chair of Mathematics and Statistics |
mmulekar@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | M |
Mundy, Leonard Assistant Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work |
mundy@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | M |
Nah, Soya Assistant Professor of Communication |
snah@yibangyi.net | Communication | N |
Nara, John Instructor of Theatre and Dance |
nara@yibangyi.net | Theatre and Dance | N |
Nelson, Erin, S. Associate Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work |
erinnelson@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | N |
Ni Chadhain, Sinead Associate Professor of Biology |
snichadhain@yibangyi.net | Biology | N |
Novovic, Marija Senior Instructor of Physics |
mnovovic@yibangyi.net | Physics | N |
Nozny, Brian T. Assistant Professor of Music |
bnozny@yibangyi.net | Music | N |
O’Berry, Robert Instructor of English |
oberry@yibangyi.net | English | O |
O’Brien, Richard A. Associate Professor of Instruction, Chemistry |
robrien@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | O |
Oertli, Christian Assistant Professor of Chemistry |
cuoertli@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | O |
Owsley, Jessica Senior Instructor of English |
jessicasims@yibangyi.net | English | O |
Patterson, Matthew Associate Professor of Art and Art History |
mwpatterson@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | P |
Pavelescu, Andrei Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
andreipavelescu@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | P |
Pavelescu, Elena Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
elenapavelescu@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | P |
Pence, Charlotte Associate Professor of English |
cpence@yibangyi.net | English | P |
Pereira De Andrade, Nelita Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics |
ncpereiradeandrade@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | P |
Perera, Ruchira Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
ruchiraperera@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | P |
Perez, Jonathan Assistant Professor of Biology |
jhperez@yibangyi.net | Biology | P |
Perine, Donald Assistant Professor of Instruction, Chemistry |
dperine@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | P |
Petersen, William H. Associate Professor of Music and Director of Bands/Athletic Bands |
wpetersen@yibangyi.net | Music | P |
Peterson, Karen Senior Instructor of English |
kpeterson@yibangyi.net | English | P |
Pettway, Kimberly Instructor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work |
kpettway@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | P |
Pettway, Matthew Associate Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
mjpettway@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | P |
Pillen, Cornelius Professor of Mathematics |
pillen@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | P |
Powell, Laura Assistant Professor of Psychology |
lpowell@yibangyi.net | Psychology | P |
Powers, Sean Professor and Director of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
spowers@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | P |
Pramanik, Paramahansa Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
ppramanik@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | P |
Prince, Adam Stokes Center Visiting Writer - English |
aprince@yibangyi.net | English | P |
Prokhorov, Vasiliy Professor of Mathematics |
prokhoro@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | P |
Raczkowski, Christopher Associate Professor of English |
raczkowski@yibangyi.net | English | R |
Randolph, LTC Ruth Professor and Chair of Air Force Studies (AFROTC) |
ruthrandolph@yibangyi.net | Air Force Studies | R |
Rawlinson, Cody Instructor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
rawlinson@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | R |
Reese, Brandi Kiel Associate Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
bkielreese@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | R |
Reichert, William M. Professor of Chemistry |
reichert@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | R |
Rice, Terri L. Senior Instructor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
twrice@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | R |
Rinne, Christine Associate Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
crinne@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | R |
Rivenbark, Elizabeth A. Associate Professor of Art and Art History |
erivenbark@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | R |
Robertson, Alison Associate Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
alisonrobertson@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | R |
Rockwell, Alexis R. Assistant Professor of Political Science/Criminal Justice |
rockwell@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | R |
Roddy, Harry L., Jr. Associate Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
hroddy@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | R |
Roddy, Lisa Senior Instructor of English |
lroddy@yibangyi.net | English | R |
Rodenberg, Rachel Instructor of Biology |
rodenberg@yibangyi.net | Biology | R |
Romanowski, Max Assistant Professor of Communication |
maxromanowski@yibangyi.net | Communication | R |
Rowell, Thomas Professor of Music |
trowell@yibangyi.net | Music | R |
Rush, Jeffrey Assistant Professor of Political Science/Criminal Justice |
jeffreyprush@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | R |
Sanchez, Linda Assistant Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work |
lindasanchez@yibangyi.net | Sociology Anthropology and Social Work | S |
Sanders, Justin M. Associate Professor and Chair of Physics |
jsanders@yibangyi.net | Physics | S |
Sawyer, Carol F. Associate Professor of Earth Sciences |
sawyer@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | S |
Schanz, Hans Assistant Professor of Chemistry |
schanz@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | S |
Schultze, Steven R. Associate Professor of Earth Sciences |
schultze@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | S |
Schulze, Corina Associate Professor of Criminal Justice |
cschulze@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | S |
Scyphers, Steven Associate Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
sscyphers@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | S |
Shamback, Benjamin Professor of Art and Art History |
bshambac@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | S |
Shaw, Patrick J. Associate Professor of English and Director of Composition |
pjshaw@yibangyi.net | English | S |
Shaw, Thomas C. Associate Professor of Political Science |
tshaw@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | S |
Shelley-Tremblay, John Professor and Chair of Psychology |
jstremblay@yibangyi.net | Psychology | S |
Skiadas, Margarita Assistant Professor of Art and Art History |
skiadas@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | S |
Smee, D. Lee Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
ssmee@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | S |
Smith, Phillip N. Professor of Psychology |
pnsmith@yibangyi.net | Psychology | S |
Sparks, Megan S. Senior Instructor of Communication |
msparks@yibangyi.net | Communication | S |
Sprinkle, Amy Assistant Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
sprinkle@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | S |
St. Clair, Justin M. Professor of English |
jmstclair@yibangyi.net | English | S |
Stenson, Alexandra Professor of Chemistry |
astenson@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | S |
Stevens, Johnny II Instructor of Communication |
jlstevens@yibangyi.net | Communication | S |
Stojanovic, Milorad Assistant Professor of Chemistry |
stojanovic@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | S |
Straub, Armin Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
straub@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | S |
Strickland, Jason Assistant Professor of Biology |
jasonstrickland@yibangyi.net | Biology | S |
Strong, Michele M. Associate Professor of History |
mstrong@yibangyi.net | History | S |
Sunsdahl, LTC Jared Professor and Chair of Military Science |
jsunsdahl@yibangyi.net | Military Science | S |
Sykora, Richard E. Professor of Chemistry |
rsykora@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | S |
Tallent, Hunter Instructor of English |
htallent@yibangyi.net | English | T |
Taylor, April D. Assistant Professor of Instruction, Communication |
adupreetaylor@yibangyi.net | Communication | T |
ter Horst, Eleanor E. Associate Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
eterhorst@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | T |
Terbeck, Fabian Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences |
fterbeck@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | T |
Torres, Cinthya Assistant Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature |
ctorres@yibangyi.net | Modern and Classical Languages and Literature | T |
Tran, Tuan Minh Assistant Professor of Biology |
tmtran@yibangyi.net | Biology | T |
Turner, Lisa A. Professor of Psychology |
laturner@yibangyi.net | Psychology | T |
Upadhyay, Aparna Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
aupadhyay@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | U |
Urban, Kelly Associate Professor of History |
kurban@yibangyi.net | History | U |
Valentine, John Professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences |
jvalentine@yibangyi.net | Marine and Environmental Sciences | V |
Vaughn-Roberson, Clayton Assistant Professor of History |
croberson@yibangyi.net | History | V |
Verjinski, Delaney (Thull) Assistant Professor of Philosophy |
delaneyverjinski@yibangyi.net | Philosophy | V |
Volf, Stephanie Instructor of English |
stephanievolf@yibangyi.net | English | V |
Vrana, Laura Associate Professor of English |
vrana@yibangyi.net | English | V |
Waites, Laurelin Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics |
laurelinwaites@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | W |
Walter, Melissa Instructor of Communication |
mwalter@yibangyi.net | Communication | W |
Wang, Xiaohong Assistant Professor of Political Science/Criminal Justice |
wang@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | W |
Wattier, Sheila, Senio Instructor of Mathematics and Statistics – Developmental Studies |
srwattier@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics, Developmental Studies | W |
West, Charles Timmons II Assistant Professor Music |
chasewest@yibangyi.net | Music | W |
Whalen, Alex Assistant Professor of Philosophy |
whalen@yibangyi.net | Philosophy | W |
Wierzbicki, Andrzej Professor of Chemistry – DEAN |
awierzbicki@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | W |
Wilbert, Arik Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics |
wilbert@yibangyi.net | Mathematics and Statistics | W |
Wiley, Jacob Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences |
jakewiley@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | W |
Williams, Rebecca Associate Professor of History |
rwilliams@yibangyi.net | History | W |
Wood, Peter J. Professor of Music |
pwood@yibangyi.net | Music | W |
Wright, Roger Anthony Professor of Art and Art History |
rwright@yibangyi.net | Art and Art History | W |
Wu, Charles Assistant Professor of Political Science/Criminal Justice |
wu@yibangyi.net | Political Science/Criminal Justice | W |
Yates, Mark Associate Professor of Psychology |
myates@yibangyi.net | Psychology | Y |
Yet, Larry Associate Professor of Chemistry |
lyet@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | Y |
Yokel, Lee Instructor of Earth Sciences |
lyokel@yibangyi.net | Earth Sciences | Y |
Zagho, Moustafa Assistant Professor of Chemistry |
mzagho@yibangyi.net | Chemistry | Z |
Zlomke, Kimberly Professor of Psychology |
zlomke@yibangyi.net | Psychology | Z |
Zoghby, Linda Assistant Professor of Music |
lzoghby@yibangyi.net | Music | Z |
Zuhowski, Megan, Assistant Professor of Music |
mzuhowski@yibangyi.net | Music | Z |